

Race: castanic
class: slayer
Hair: red
Height: 1,60

 She say; " Do not touch my horns, man!"

 The slayer of the group, I Evalian. When I made my character all said that my name was a boy name ... I'm tiny but I have a bad temper so I am slayer and Castanica ... so ... Do not touch my horns, man!


Evalian born in Castanica She was a aristocrat .She didn't met her mother,and her father, a castanic warrior departed to war. She lived as a servant of a barracks where the soldiers came. One day she decided to join the legions of Valkion. She knew to use swords but not to appear weak, she learned to be slayer. When as many came to the first expedition as assistant Elleon was not able to provide more help. Along with a few Eva came to the island of Dawn. There, she met Ruki, she promised that he would return when he had managed to be a slayer, recognized by the federation. And undertook his journey with Angellique an elf priest who, according to said she was looking for her fiance. Shortly after he met Hillo and joined the guild to become stronger and to help all others they left behind...

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